Edu Step up          Electronic registration system          The importance of a website to manage schools          School management via mobile application          تيست          زيارة من وزير التعليم           ش          t          1         



Enrollment Requirments

1. must obtain a certificate of any junior in 2016 in the general admission to that school.

2. At least the total students in the junior certificate for 294 degrees or more.

3. The student holds a final grades in at least two articles of the certificate materials following three junior They (the English language - mathematics - science) and that for students who wish to attend schools excelling in science and technology.

4. For a school for high achievers Ain Shams boys must not be less than the total student grades for 270 degrees.

5. not have been the student failure rates in any year of study years of transportation from sixth grade to the third preparatory grade.



Terms student age at enrollment

That does not exceed the age of the student or student at 01/10/2017 for 17 years.

Admissions Steps

The Ministry of Education to provide the following location in Ain Shams school for high achievers and the rest of schools excelling in science and technology STEM (boys - girls) will be open for submission by the dates specified.


Provided that the student's progress been fulfilled form for admission to the school excelled, where students can apply at school without being restricted to the geographical distribution or the school district that the student earned a certificate junior high.